Adams Mechanical Engineering (AME) has two mottos. “Do what you do, do it well, and leave the rest to others.” and, “Take the time it takes.  It takes less time.”

First, while the “well” in the first motto appears to be grammatically incorrect, as “good” would seem to fit better, it is intended.  In the fast-paced world of tenant improvement work, we must all be efficient, say “yes” to schedules that we can meet, all while making sure we each stay “well” physically and mentally.  Keeping with that, AME takes great pride in hitting deadlines, because “yes” comes only after reviewing workloads and then answering with honesty and confidence.

Second, while Mr. Adams has a wide range of experience, from commercial, to healthcare, to science and technology projects, AME focuses exclusively on commercial projects.  That work includes an overwhelming percentage of traditional office space, being rounded out with office/warehouse, retail, and light medical office tenant improvement projects.  There are many large firms out there that are staffed and setup to take on the hospitals and laboratories of the world, and those are absolutely needed.  AME does commercial.  Period.

Lastly, taking the time to do it right the first time is critical.  This starts with Mr. Adams hitting the project site with a ladder, flashlight, tape measure, and camera.  When it comes to mechanical and plumbing design, an old set of plans is not enough to design off of.  While structure, walls, and ceilings are typically constructed fairly close to plan, as they are the visible and dimensioned items, HVAC equipment locations, ductwork routing, and piping routing are typically behind ACT, and therefore are almost always installed differently than the permit documents.  As such, AME spends ladder time on each project to as-built the visible/accessible systems.  Is getting a set of previous MP plans nice?  Sure… but it doesn’t negate field time.

AME stays in its lane, travels efficiency, and enjoys the journey.